Our Areas of Focus:

  • Employee Life Cycle

  • Management Skills

  • Team Building

  • Customer Service

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dramatic Results specializes in delivering creative, memorable, high-impact training on a wide range of workplace interactions.

Employee Life Cycle

Recruitment. Hiring. Performance feedback. Career development. Not to mention recognition, rewards and other aspects of employee engagement to focus on - so many opportunities for individual, team, and organizational enrichment. And Dramatic Results addresses them all! We create scenarios to help your people develop awareness, skills, and strategies for all levels of organizations, from frontlines to C suites. Here are just a few topics we’ve covered in the scenes we’ve created for our clients:

  • recruitment - make sure your job descriptions and job postings reach the audiences you want

  • keep bias from creeping into your resume reviewing, interviews, and performance evaluations

  • use effective criteria for decision-making in your career development and succession planning processes

Our team of professional actor/coaches will set the stage for success through role-play and coaching, giving participants the opportunity to practice anticipated interactions in a safe and encouraging environment.

Management Skills

No one is born knowing how to be a great manager. Let our Dramatic Results team help your managers develop the skills they need to help their people thrive, including how to:

  • give feedback that encourages and inspires

  • build on the strengths of a diverse workforce

  • foster a creative and supportive environment

  • invite failure (how else do you inspire innovation?)

  • handle difficult situations with emotional intelligence

  • manage their own stress and distress

We design our Management Skills trainings so that participants get the opportunity to practice all of these during the sessions. Plus, they get to enjoy the learning (that’s part of what makes it “sticky”) and strengthen connections with their peers.

Team Building

What turns a group of individuals into a high-performing team?

  • shared purpose

  • clear expectations

  • effective communication

  • mutual respect

  • trust

  • inclusivity

  • personal accountability

Plus, what we believe is the “special sauce”: joy and a sense of play.

Our highly engaging and interactive team building trainings are filled with laughter, learning, and “aha!” moments, all in service of helping teams recognize and tap into their unique strengths and capabilities. More than just a “feel good” experience, a Dramatic Results Applied Improv team building session will increase your organization’s capacity to achieve.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dramatic Results has been working in the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) space since the early 2000’s.

Let our Interactive Theater team of professional actor/facilitators present you with realistic scenarios to observe, discuss, and change.

We focus on the ABC’s of DEI:

  • Attitude: how do people frame their experience and understanding of each other - and of themselves?

  • Behaviors: What observable actions demonstrate respect, value, and inclusivity?

  • Culture: What makes up the environment in which people are interacting - the formal policies, the informal protocols, the work processes, the physical space?

Despite any single individual’s efforts to overcome workplace imbalances. bias is often (inadvertently) built into workplace processes. Let Dramatic Results help you transform into the organization you want to be!

Customer Service

Successful customer service goes beyond simple “the customer is always right” mantras (besides, they’re not!) Whether your clients are on the phone or across the counter, Dramatic Results can create a delightful and unforgettable experience for your organization. We cover:

  • active listening

  • emotional intelligence

  • service recovery

  • defusing difficult encounters

  • problem-solving

  • cross-cultural sensitivity

  • self-care

*Dramatic Results’s customer service trainings have been a special favorite in Boston’s medical community, where we’ve been putting “hospitality” into hospitals for over a decade.